Bedtime Story-Episode Seven

Christiana walked down an untarred road to locate the blue building, and conscious of her shoes fighting off tight grips of aggrieved concrete on the swampy road. The path was mud-spattered and she had to admit her heels, a pair of Christian Loubotin, were not exactly the best footwear for a road that dingy. She dragged her feet until a compounded smell of garbage, urine and faeces accosted her. Once the sight of a little boy emptying his bowel in a black, crumpled cellophane bag on a heap of refuse without fear of confrontation hit her, she hastened her strides. Looking ahead, she saw a blue multi-tenanted building and her heart leapt. In front of the house, she noticed two women, one of whom was seated on a wooden stool and breastfeeding her baby, while the other woman, a lanky as the word went, stood behind the mother, braiding her hair. “Good afternoon,” she greeted the two women. Her gaze rested on th...