Bedtime Story-Episode Five

“Honey,” Christiana said, standing at the door post of her room. “Why are you not sleeping?” She walked up to her and after she threaded her arms around her neck.

“I've been thinking about you,” Honey replied.

“Why?” Christiana looked curious.

“You are so lucky Mommy, just like a fairy tale princess,” Honey replied and Christiana laughed softly.

“How am I lucky?’

“You are beautiful and very happy. Will I grow up to be very beautiful and happy like you?” Honey asked and Christiana was mute. She wished she could tell her daughter how sad and confused her life was. “My Honey, you will grow up to be better than me in every aspect. You will be more beautiful and you will be very happy. And what gives you the assurance that I am happy?”

“You got a big car from Uncle Tunde and many big presents from your friends. Your birthday party was very wonderful.”

“You also get everything you want on your birthday too,” Christiana said as she smiled. “You don’t have to worry about your future, remember that song grandma sings to you always, ‘Que sera sera, whatever will be, will be,  the future's not ours to see, que sera sera, what will be, will be.’ Christiana kissed Honey before she stood up.

 “Mommy” Honey called as Christiana was about to walk out of her room. When Christiana turned to look at her, she said, “I want to hear a bedtime story.”

 “Honey, it is too late for a bedtime story,” Christiana pointed to the Barbie wall clock on the wall of her room.

“Please Mommy,” Honey pleaded and Christiana walked up to the shelves where she kept her story books. She felt loath to pick up her daughter’s favourite story book, Peter Pan. She knew she was just like Peter Pan to her parent, a child who would never grow. She realised this the first time she read the story about Peter Pan to her little daughter before her bedtime.  Since then, she always felt so reluctant to read the story to her daughter. But it was her daughter’s favourite. She never stopped wondering why her daughter would love a story about a boy that would never grow. She should love stories about princesses like Cinderella, Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. 

“It is time to read your favourite story book,” she said after she sat on Honey’s bed.

“No, Mommy, I don’t want Peter Pan. I want to listen to a folk tale story."

“Ok.” Christiana gladly dropped the Peter Pan story book on her bed and she started to think about what to tell Honey. A story she heard long ago from her grandmother popped up in her mind. “Once upon a time, there lived a powerful and wealthy King. He had everything he ever wanted except an heir to his throne. He-” Christiana paused as she listened to her daughter.

“The King should have a name, Mommy.”

 “I don’t know what to call him.”

“Let us name the King after Jaja of Opobo,” Honey chuckled making Christiana laugh. Ever since her grandfather told her about King Jaja of Opobo, she mentioned his name anytime a King was mentioned. Honey loved History, but Christiana feared she might have to study Law like everyone in the Coker family.

“Alright,” Christiana said and then she continued, “King Jaja was always very sad that none of his Queens could give him a child. One-” Christiana paused as Honey tapped her hand.

“Mommy, why didn’t he have a child? Every King is supposed to have a handsome Prince and the Prince would marry a beautiful Princess.”

Christiana smiled. “Honey, King Jaja didn’t just have a child. I am sorry I can’t explain why.” She kissed her forehead, and then continued, “One day, when King Jaja was on his way to a river to have a special bath he heard a baby crying. With curiosity, he moved towards the direction where the cry came from and was surprised to find a little baby boy wrapped with a very big leaf. He carried the baby boy to his palace and he ordered his town crier to inform his subjects in the village that a newborn baby had been found near a river. The town crier did as the King ordered him, but no one came to claim the little boy. The King decided to keep the little boy after all his effort to have his parents claim him was futile. He named the boy after himself and showed him a lot of care and love as though he was his real son. As time passed, the boy grew up to be handsome and responsible and the King made him heir apparent to his throne. One hot afternoon, a poor and pitiful man came to the King’s palace and sought audience with the King. When he met the King, he told him that his Prince was his lost son. The poor man told the King how his wicked brother confessed that he stole his son and dumped him at a river near the King’s palace. The King became sad. He offered the poor man cowries, gold and silver, but the poor man refused them in place of his son. The poor man made several visits to the palace to request for his son which the King became weary of. So he called the Prince and told his Prince how he found him near a river. The Prince was sad and cried for long. He told the King that he would love to see his real father and the King allowed him. When he set his eyes upon his father, he and his father started to shed tears. He looked just like his father. The Prince became so confused when his father told him to follow him to his own village. He didn’t want to leave the wealth and comfort from King Jaja, yet he didn’t want his biological father to be alone.” Christiana paused as Honey tapped her again.

“What is biological father?”

 Christiana sighed as she thought of Bayo, Honey’s biological father. Honey interrupted her thought by shaking her hand. “Oh dear.” She kissed her forehead. “Biological father means real father. Can I continue now?” When Honey nodded, she continued. “The real father man made the Prince realise that he was the only relative he had to help him in his old age.  After the Prince pondered on the issue for long, he made the decision to leave the King’s wealth to follow his father.” Christiana paused.

“Is that the end of the story?” Honey asked looking disappointed.

“Yes,” Christiana replied. “Is the story not interesting?”

“There is no tortoise or lion in the story.”

Christiana laughed. “Don’t worry, tomorrow, I will tell you stories about tortoise. So you don’t like the story?”

“I like the story.”

“Do you think what the Prince did was right?”

“Yes,” Honey replied and her mother was surprised. She thought her daughter was too materialistic to have considered what the Prince did to be very thoughtful.

“You mean it was good that the Prince left the rich King to be with his real father that is very poor?” Christiana asked again to ascertain what she said.

“Yes, Mommy.”


“Because the poor man is the real father and not King Jaja. Honey said after she had yawned. Christiana was happy that her daughter was such a thoughtful person even at that tender age. If she considered the Prince's decision very considerate, then she might not have any problem when she realised who her father was. She was sure she would love Bayo.

“Good night, my angel,” she kissed her before she left the room.

.....................To be continued



  1. Lol! It's easy to decide when one watching a game from outside. In fact, one would be the best coach. But when you get into the game, that same decision would be hard to make. I'm certain she'd be reluctant to go with Bayo when it's time. Niceee

  2. Next episode please...........

  3. I love the dialogue. It is very original


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